Our WordPress themes are translation ready. This means you can translate them into your language or change the default text strings and customize them to your liking.
Our recommended way of translating our themes is using a plugin called Loco Translate. This plugin will automatically generate .po and .mo files for you and all translation can be done within the WordPress dashboard.
Follow these steps to translate your theme:
First navigate to Settings -> General and scroll to the bottom of the screen. You should see a dropdown list with the label Site Language. Changing this will set a new default language for your website.
After setting the Site Language, install and activate the Loco Translate plugin
Go to Loco Translate in the WordPress Menu and select the theme you want to translate.
Choose a language from the select box and Start translating by clicking the blue button on the bottom of the screen.
On the appearing screen you'll see a list of all the translatable language strings. Select the ones you wish to translate and insert the translations into the input field on the bottom of the screen. When you're finished, save the changes.
As you can see, translating a WordPress theme with Loco Translate is easy. If you translated our theme to a new language, you are welcome to share the translation with the rest of the community. Send us the .po file and we will include it in the next theme update and also credit you on the theme item page on ThemeForest.
Orion Post Author
Living the WordPress Magic.