Recycle WordPress theme documentation

I. Quick Start

Set up your theme in 3 easy steps.

The QuickStart guide assumes you already have a WordrPress installation in place. If you don't have WordPress installed yet, please refer to the official WordPress installation guide.

  1. Install and activate the Theme.
  2. Install and activate all the required plugins.
  3. Import the demo content trough Theme Options.

Theme Installation

You can install the Theme in three different ways:

  • Using Envato Market plugin
  • Upload the theme zip file to Appearance » Themes » Add New » Upload Theme
  • Direct FTP upload to wp-content/themes/ and activating it in Appearance » Themes

ThemeForest's preferred way of installing themes is using the Envato Market plugin. This assures easy updates when a new version of the theme is released.

Once your theme is installed, activate it.

A notification should appear to install required plugins. If you dismiss the notification by mistake or it doesn't appear for any other reason, click on Appearance » Install plugins.

Installing & Activating Plugins

You can start installing the plugins directly on the install plugins notification or navigate to Appearance / Install plugins. Installing all required plugins is essential. Theme functionality and demo import depend on it.

Please make sure your theme is installed and activated, before installing the plugins. For successful demo import you need to install the recommended plugins as well.

Required plugins:

  • Recycle theme plugin,
  • Page Builder by SiteOrigin,
  • SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle
  • WordPress Classic Editor (For WordPress version 5.0 and greater)

Recommended Plugins:

  • Contact Form 7,
  • Slider Revolution

Importing Demo Content

You can import the demo content in the Theme Options by clicking on the Import button.
Before you begin: Make sure all plugins are activated and check if your server meets the recommended settings.

Be aware that stock images will not be imported as they are not included in the theme.

Recommended server settings

Demo import is a very resource consuming process. In order to be completed successfully, there should be enough server resources available. If there are not enough resources, the demo content will not fully import. In this case contact your hosting provider for assistance.

Setting Recommended value
Max execution time 600
Memory limit 256M
Upload max filesize 32M
Max post size 32M

During Import:

The import speed depends on your internet speed and can take few minutes. Please be patient. You will get a notification when the import is completed.

Do not import demo twice. This can result in duplicate menu items and widgets.

Updating Your Theme

Theme updates give you access to new features, improvements, and bugfixes. Updates are also important for keeping your website secure.

1. Backup your website:

This is recommended, so if anything goes wrong, you can revert to the previous version.

2. Make sure all customisation is inside your child theme:

If you edited the code in any of the theme files, move all your customisation into the child theme. If you didn't modify the theme files, you can skip this step.

3. Upload the new theme to your server:

The new version of the theme is available for download on Themeforest. Unzip the downloaded theme and replace the theme files on your server. These can be found inside your WordPress Installation in wp-content/themes/recycle folder.

4. Update the Recycle plugin:

There should be a notification about an available update inside your WordPress dashboard.

5. Update your theme options to rebuild your custom styling:

Following these steps will import your existing theme settings from the old version:

  1. Go to Theme options -> Header & menu
  2. Switch the header type & Save
  3. Switch back to your original header and save again.
  4. Hard refresh on the front-end. On Windows: Hold down Ctrl and press F5. On Mac Hold ⇧ Shift and click the Reload button.

II. The Basics

All about Pages, Posts & Team Members

Besides the standard WordPress fields, there are some additional theme features packed in our theme, which include choosing sidebars on individual post and pages, customizing page titles and more. This documentation covers only the options that were added by our team.

Add Page: To get started adding a new page to your WordPress site, find the Pages menu in the WordPress Dashboard Navigation menu. Click Add new.

Add Post: Find the Posts menu in the WordPress Dashboard Navigation menu. Click Add new.

Page Settings

Page Title Settings

You can customize the Page Title Area on every page, post & individual team member.

The following options are available:

  • Hide Page Title: This will hide the Heading on this particular page.
  • Choose Page Title Layout: Lets you choose between three predefined headings: Classic, Centered and Left Aligned. They can be further customized in Theme options.
  • Text color: Here you can set light or dark text color.
  • Top Padding: You can set top padding in px here.
  • Bottom Padding: You can set bottom padding in px here.
  • Change background image: Change the heading background image here.
  • Background image repeat: Choose if you want your image to repeat.
  • Background image sizing: Choose your image’s size.
  • Background image alignment: Align your image.
  • Background image behavior: Here you can set Parallax for the heading background image.
  • Overlay: This will add a color overlay over the background image.

These options overrite the global heading options which are set in Theme options.

Remove Page Content Spacing

You can remove  the top and bottom padding on single posts and pages. This is particularly useful if you plan to add a slider or any other element just below the heading and don't want any extra space between.

Page Builder

With Page Builder, you can add and visually edit any widget to the content area. On this page, we will only cover theme specific options, developed by our team. A complete documentation of standard Page builder options can be found here.

Row Layout

Besides the base page builder row layout options, we added two additional ones: Vertical Alignment and Full-screen row height.

Vertical alignment

Widgets that are displayed side by side in the same row can vary in height. Vertical alignment sets how these widgets occupy the space relative to each other.

  • Align to top (default)
  • Align to bottom
  • Middle align
  • Equal height
Full-screen row height

Check to set the height of the row to be equal to the height of the screen.

Row Design

Besides the base page builder design options, there are two additional ones: Background Overlay and Text Color.


Choose a background overlay for the selected row. This will create a translucent color overlay over the background image if set. The colors and gradients are defined by the general theme colors and can be set in the Theme Options. Read Tutorial

Text color

Choose whether the text in the row is light or dark. This setting will become the default text color for all the widgets in the row.

Responsive Options

Responsive options define the behaviour of the row on small (mobile) and medium (tablet) devices.

Mobile display:

For mobile displays you can choose to show at most two columns in a row, the default setting is set to one column.

Tablet display:

For the tablet display, you can keep the desktop settings, or limit the display to show from 1 to 4 columns.

Section Separators

Section separators can be added to page builder rows and thus make a fine transition between different sections. See examples here.Each row can have a top and bottom separator, which can be placed inside and outside the row. The separators look best when applied to Full width or Stretched rows. In order to prevent the widgets "hiding" behind the separator, add padding to the row (Row Styles -> Layout).

Top separator:

Choose the style of the separator that will show on the top of the row. Remove the separator by selecting "none".

Top separator position:

Choose whether you want the top separator inside or outside of the row. Don't forget to set row padding accordingly.

Top separator color:

Set the top separator color to match the row background. By default, all separators are defined by the page background color set in Theme Options.

Bottom separator:

Choose the style of the separator that will show on the bottom of the row. Remove the separator by selecting "none".

Bottom separator position:

Choose whether you want the bottom separator inside or outside of the row. Don't forget to set row padding accordingly.

Bottom separator color:

Set the bottom separator color to match the row background. By default, all separators are defined by the page background color set in Theme Options.

Cell customisation

You can divide your row into multiple columns -> cells.

This option allows you to edit cells separate of the row they are in (for example, if you want to change only half of your row’s background color or add an image or an overlay).

You can access these options in the Live Editor in the Row settings. To access the cell’s own settings make sure to click on the cell you wish to edit. A set of options will appear underneath the row settings where you can edit your cell (Cell Styles). It will allow you to change the cell’s Attributes, Layout and Design.

Widget Styles

Besides the standard Page Builder widget options, we added some additional options to improve widget layout, behaviour and style within page builder rows.


Overlap row

If checked, the widget will move to the bottom of the row, overlapping the following row. This option works with Button, Heading and Image widgets.

Responsive Options

  • Remove side padding on small devices
  • Remove side margin on small devices
  • Hide on Mobile
  • Check to hide widget on mobile.
  • Align to center on Mobile
  • Align to center on Tablets


Background opacity (requires widget background)

Sets the opacity of the widget background (1 is almost transparent and 100 is opaque).

Border radius (requires widget background or border)

Sets the border radius of the widget background.

Text color

Choose between light and darker text for the widget.

Drop shadow effect

Adds a shadow effect to the widget background. Examples:

Raised Box
Lifted Corners
Horizontal Curves

Team Members

To add a team member find the Team menu in the WordPress Dashboard Navigation. Click Add new. To display your team on individual pages, use the Team Members Widget.

Name and biography

In the Title Area, add a Team member's name. To the content area, add Team member description, biography or personal achievements. This is the longer description, that will be shown only on a personal page of the team member. If you want, you can use Page builder to create a custom layout.


On the right side, there is a custom taxonomy field Department.  Later you will be able to filter your team members by department, using the Team members widget. You can add more than one department.

Team member image

Team member's portrait image goes into the Featured image section (also on the right side of the Team member edit page).

Short description

Below the default WordPress edit page, you will find the About section. Here you can add the job position of the team member and short description. These will be displayed on the top of the member's page and in in the team members widget as well.

Social Profiles

Below the About section, there is Social info section. If you want, you can add links to member's email and social profiles here, like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.

Portfolio post type

The Portfolio post type allows you to display your gallery, projects and references in one location, separate from your pages and posts. It also allows for customisation, giving you more options in how you wish to display the content on your site.

You can create your project under Portfolio - > Add New. Creating your portfolio content is similar to creating pages or posts. You can decide on the project title, description and add widgets in the Live Editor as you would with pages and posts. The difference being - using the Portfolio allows for more customisation.

You can change your project's format (standard, gallery, video or audio) and add one or more portfolio categories as well. To learn more on how to create beautiful portfolios to include in your site, have a look at our in-depth Portfolio tutorial.

Static Blocks

Use Static Blocks to display the same content on several pages, without the need to change them all separately.

Static Blocks can be displayed using a shortcode or widget. When you edit the content in Static Blocks, the changes will automatically appear on your pages.

How to use Static blocks:

  • First create Static Blocks under Static Blocks -> Add New.
  • After creating your Static Blocks, switch to Page Builder view and add the content you wish to use on multiple pages.
  • Now you can add your Static Blocks on any page with the (OrionThemes) Static Block widget.

You can also display Static Blocks using a shortcode. With the shortcodes you can use Static Blocks also on pages and posts, where you don't use page builder.
Check our Knowledge Base to learn more on how to use Static Blocks.

Sidebar settings

The theme supports unlimited sidebars which can be created using the Sidebar Generator in Theme options. In Theme Options you can also set Default sidebars for posts, pages and archive pages.

Changing sidebars on single posts and pages

There are two select fields available on single posts pages and team members:

  • Left sidebar
  • Right sidebar

Each select field includes all available sidebars. If you select a sidebar, it will be displayed on the page.
Set both fields to None, if you do not want to display a sidebar. This will result in a full-width page layout.


A MegaMenu is a type of drop-down menu in which the submenu items can be displayed in a multicolumn layout. Megamenus allow you to display a large number of options at a glance and give your visitors a better user experience.

The MegaMenu functionality can be switched on/off in Theme Options -> Header & Menu -> Navigation Settings, where there is also some customisation available.

You can learn more on how to create and display MegaMenus in our Knowledge Base.


Follow the instructions below to set favicon in your site.

  • Prepare image file. It must be square, and at least 512 pixels wide and tall.
  • Go to Administration Screen > Appearance > Customize
  • Click Site Identity
  • Click Select Image at Site Icon section, upload the image file you prepared in the above step from Upload Files tab screen, and click Select.


Translating the theme into your language

The theme is translation ready. This means you can translate it into your language, or if your language is English, you can use this to change the default text strings in the theme and customize them to your liking.

There are several methods you can use, to translate the theme. You can check the official WordPress recommendations here.

Our preferred and recommended way of translating the theme is using a plugin called Loco Translate This plugin will automatically generate .po and .mo files for you, all translation can be done within WordPress dashboard.

To translate a theme into your language, follow these steps:

  • Find the theme in the list at Loco Translate > Themes and click it.
  • Click + New language and follow the on-screen prompts.
  • When a new language is created, just click on it and you can start translating.
  • When you are done, click save and you should already see the changes live.

For official Loco translate guide, please follow this link.

Creating a multilingual website with WPML:

Recycle is compatible with the WPML plugin. You can create multilingual a websites following their official guide.

  • Install WPML: Multilingual CMS plugin
  • Translations: For translations you can use WPML String Translations.
  • Widgets: You can display different Widgets for different languages. There is a free WPML widgets plugin available here.

III. Theme Options

Customize your theme in minutes

The Theme options allow you to customize the layout and style of your theme. You can access them through the WordPress menu. The Theme Options are divided into different sections:

SAVE When you are making changes, make sure to save them by clicking on the save button.

RESET SECTION The reset section button will restore default settings of an individual section.

RESET ALL The Reset all button will reset the entire theme options. Use it with caution.

General Settings

The General Theme Settings section is divided into:

  • Theme Colors
  • Theme Settings
  • SEO

Theme Colors

You can define 3 colors for your theme:

  • Main Theme Color: This color serves as a primary theme color and is the most dominant color of your theme.
  • Secondary Theme Color: An additional color option that can be selected for individual widgets, sections backgrounds, buttons, etc.
  • Tertiary Theme Color: This color is by default used for dark backgrounds (dark navigation bar, footer, and copyright area). For best results choose a dark shade of any color.

The 4th color option - Site Content Background Color sets the default background color of the site content area. You can also choose this option to be transparent.

Theme Settings

The Settings section allows you to:

  • Set up custom 404 Page.
  • Enable/Disable the Back to top button.
  • Enable/Disable Comments on post and pages.
  • Use your site as One Page (improves navigation).
  • Display lightbox navigation on mobile devices.


Minify to improve page speed:

You can use a minified Theme CSS and JS, which will improve the page’s speed. Make sure to have the latest version of the theme when enabling this setting.

Custom Head tags and footer scripts:

Custom Head meta and scripts. Used for Google analytics, Facebook meta and other integrations. Only use this section if you know what you are doing.


Logo Upload

You can upload a dark and light versions of your logo to be displayed on different header backgrounds. The theme will automatically change the logo to suit the color of the header. On dark backgrounds, it will display the light logo, on white and light colored headers the dark logo will appear.

Text Based Logo

The text based logo will only display if no Logo image is uploaded.

Logo width and height

You can set up a maximum width and height for your logo. The size is set in pixels.

Sticky Logo

You can upload a separate logo for the sticky header.


The Typography section allows you to customise the fonts used on your website. You can set up 3 default fonts and customise the dark and light text color schemes.


Content & Paragraphs Font Family*
Defines the most dominant font of your theme.
Titles & Headings Font Family*
Defines the default font of headings and widget titles.
Navigation & Buttons Links Font Family*
Defines the default font of the main navigation, buttons, and similar elements.

Dark Text Color Settings

This is the defult color scheme of the fonts used on the website. You can set:

  • Paragraph text color & opacity
  • Headings default color and opacity
  • Link colors and regular link color opacity
  • Default page title color
  • Meta & Caption Text Colors and opacity

Light Text Color Settings

This color scheme will be used on widgets, widget areas and page builder rows where Light Text Color is selected.

Body (subsection)

After setting the default font you can further customize your website's typography here. You can set font size, letter spacing, line height for body text, lead text and blockquote.

Headings (subsection)

After setting the default heading font you can further customize headings typography here. You can set font size, letter spacing, line height, color and opacity.


The Layout section allows you to customise the general layout of your website and set the default sidebars of your pages.
You can also change the default page spacing here.

Website Layout Settings

You can switch between Full Width and Boxed layout.

Full-Width Layout

If you have chosen a full-width layout, you can enable the Passepartout.  This option will create a frame around your website and will bring up additional options for customization. You can set the size (in pixels) and the color of the Passepartout.

Boxed Layout

If you switch to Boxed Layout you can access the following options:

Page (body) background Settings:
  • Page background Color: Sets a solid background color for your website.
  • Page background Image: You can upload a custom image or choose a pattern from the Pattern Library.
  • Add page shadow & Page shadow color: You can choose to include a shadow on your boxed container as well as the color of it.
  • Boxed container rounding: Decide if your container will have round edges and enter a number to set the value (the bigger the number, the more round the edges).
  • Boxed Layout Settings: You can set the site content’s width, padding (left and right) and margin (top and bottom).
Site Layout Settings:
  • Site content width: Is set in pixels and defines the width of the content area.
  • Site content padding: Sets left and right padding for the content area.
  • Site margin: Sets top and bottom margin around the content area.
Page Spacing:

This setting allows you to set the default top and bottom padding on pages and posts.

Single Page Layout

The general layout of pages can be defined by adding and removing sidebars. Under General -> Layout you can set a default sidebar to be displayed on your single pages. The settings can be overwritten on individual pages. For full-width page layout leave both fields empty.

Setting up Left Sidebar

Choose a sidebar from the "Left sidebar" select box and leave the "Right Sidebar" empty.

Setting up Right Sidebar

Choose a sidebar from the "Right sidebar" select box and leave the "Left Sidebar" empty.

Page Title

The theme comes with 3 different page title layouts: Classic, Centered and Left Aligned.

  • The Classic Page Title displays the title on the left and the breadcrumbs on the right side of the title area.
  • On Centered Page Titles the title is centered and the breadcrumbs are displayed directly below it.
  • On Left Aligned page title both the title and the breadcrumbs below it are aligned left.

You can select a default page title layout for your website by clicking on the images under the Page Title Section. Regardless of your choice, all 3 layouts will be available to use on individual posts, pages, and team members.

It’s important to note that the page title changes will not appear on pre-existing sites. The changes will only apply to newly created pages.

  • Enable Page Titles on posts: You can also enable the page title on posts (it is disabled by default).
  • Default heading overlay: You can set a default heading overlay, which you can override on each page/post.

Customization options:

Each Page title layout can be customized under its individual section:

  • The default background color is defined by the secondary theme color but can be easily changed to any other color.
  • You can also set a default background image, change the page title font, adjust the top and bottom padding, and switch off breadcrumbs.

Further customization is available on single posts and pages, where you can:

  • add predefined color overlays,
  • set unique background images,
  • enable parallax effect,
  • switch between dark and light text color styles
  • and also hide the page title area.


Under blog settings, you can select a default layout for your blog, archive pages and single posts, set up default sidebars and enable/disable social share buttons.

Blog Layout

You can choose a layout for your blog, category, and archive pages and set up default sidebars.

  • Classic: Posts are listed with an excerpt and read more button.
  • Classic full content: Posts are listed with full content.
  • 2 column masonry: Posts are displayed in two equal columns.
  • 3 column masonry: Posts are displayed in three equal columns. This layout looks best with a full-width layout.

You can set default sidebars for your blog and archive pages using two select boxes. If you want to set up a left sidebar, leave the right sidebar field empty, and vice versa. Leave both fields empty for a full-width layout.


Allows you to change the Post content background color or choose it to be transparent.

Setting the post content background to transparent will remove the paddings.

Post Meta Settings

Here you can define which post meta do you wish to display on your posts.

Single Post Settings

You can set a default sidebar for your single posts which can be changed later on individual posts. You can also check which share buttons should appear on single posts.

Post Navigation Settings

Allows you to change the Post Navigation Background Color on all post types. You can also enable or disable prev/next post navigation shadow.

Team Settings

Allows you to decide if you want to use Team-members as a post type or if you want to use the Simple Team Widget instead.

Choosing Team as a post type will create a “Team” post type and “Department” taxonomy to your WordPress. You can also decide to display the image and intro text on the single team member page. Setting this option to “Hide” will remove predefined single team member layout and enable you to create your own layout with Page Builder.


You can customize the portfolio layout here.

Portfolio Settings

You can set the number of columns in a row (2-4) and decide if you wish to include a sidebar (choose between left or right sidebar). Choose left sidebar if you want to have the sidebar on the left side and leave the right sidebar field empty. And vice versa for the right sidebar. Leave both fields empty for a full-width layout.

Learn more on how to use the portfolio in our tutorial:


Customize your shop. These settings are only applicable if WooCommerce is installed. More shop and product settings are available under the WooCommerce and Products section in the main navigation menu.

Cart Settings

Choose to display the cart in the main menu. You can choose to display or not to display the cart as well as choose to display the cart on mobile (this option is especially useful if the cart widget is placed in the top bar).

Shop Settings

You can choose how many products you wish to show per page and in a row(2, 3, 4 or default).

Shop Sidebar

Choose if you want to include a sidebar in your shop pages and product categories.

Choose left sidebar if you want to have the sidebar on the left side and leave the right sidebar field empty. And vice versa for the right sidebar. Leave both fields empty for a full-width layout.

Sidebar Generator

Create Custom Sidebars

You can add unlimited sidebars to your theme, which can be then used on individual posts and pages. Simply give your sidebar a unique name and click save. Your new sidebar is ready to be customized in Appearance -> Widgets.

Demo Content

Under this section, you can import the demo content. Before you begin make sure that all plugins are activated and that your server meets the requirements as described in the Quick start guide. Also disable native WordPress importer if it is activated, as it can cause problems with the import.

Custom CSS

Advanced users can customize the style of the theme with CSS here.

Import / Export

Backup your theme options

Import Options

Here you can upload your theme option settings file. WARNING! This will overwrite all existing option values.

Export Options

Here you can copy/download your current option settings. Keep this safe as you can use it as a backup should anything go wrong, or you can use it to restore your settings on this site (or any other site).

IIII. Widgets

The theme is packed with 25+ widgets which you can customize according to your needs.

Accordion Widget

The accordion widget lets you create panels that can include text, shortcodes and media.

Creating panels:

  • Option "Add panel" creates an empty panel.
  • The panel title is assigned in the "Panel Title" bar. The title isn't optional and has to be unique, without it the panel won't generate.
  • The panel content field can be used for writing text and attaching media files.
  • You can also add icons, which will appear by the panel title.
  • Lastly, you can check which panels are open or closed by default.

Style Settings:

  • You can choose from light and dark text color styles, which are predefined in the Theme Options.
  • Under settings, you can customize the background color and opacity of the text area.
  • There is also an option for setting the color of the border.
  • Title hover colors are predefined and can be changed in the Theme options. (Theme options > General > Design Style > Theme Colors).

Advanced Tabs Widget

The Advanced Tabs Widget lets you create slides that can include any widget.

Creating slides:

  • Option "Add slide" creates an empty slide.
  • The slide title is assigned in the "Navigation label" bar.
  • "Create Layout" allows you to add content to your slide by letting you add widgets and rows like you would with the Page Builder.
  • Lastly, you edit the content in the slides like you would normally with the Live Editor.

Widget style:

  • You can choose the Tab Navigation alignment. Choose between left, center or right.
  • You can set the space below navigation as well.
  • There are also Carousel options which let you to enable autoplay.

Button Widget

Adding a button:

  • Button text: The text that will show on the button.
  • Destination URL: You can add a custom link or select from site content by clicking "Select Content".
  • Open link in a new window: Check, if you want the link to open in a new window.

Adding icons (optional):

  • Select icon: Choose an icon that will appear on the button.
  • Icon color: Customize the color of the icon.
  • Icon position: Choose the icon position on the button relative to button text. Inset right and inset left options will show the icon beside the button text, while plain right and left options will show the icon on far left and far right side of the button.

Style Settings:

  • Button style: Choose from flat, empty and wired button styles.
  • Color: The chosen color will be used as the background color for flat buttons; border, text and icon color for wired buttons; text and icon color for empty buttons.   Button colors are predefined.
  • Size: You can choose from 4 sizes (normal, large, small and tiny).
  • Shape: Choose between none, slightly rounded and completely rounded button shapes. If button style is set to "empty", the rounding won't show.
  • Align: Choose the alignment of the button on the page.

CTA Widget

Create a call to action:

  • Enter Call to action text, which will be displayed above or next to the button, then enter the button text and the URL destination of the page you want the button to send you to.
  • You can also check if you want the new page to be opened in a new window.
  • You can select an icon to go with the button text, its color and its position relative to the button text.

Widget style

You can customize the call to action widget further with the following options:

  • Choose between dark or light text color.
  • Text alignment (left or centered).
  • Text size (HTML tag).
  • Button position relative to the Call to action text.
  • Button style, color, size and its rounding. Theme colors are chosen from the current theme settings.
  • Top and bottom spacing (spacing between the Call to action widget and the widgets below/above).

Call to action

Call to action

Contact Form 7

This widget requires Contact Form 7 plugin to work.

The widget lets you choose a contact form from a preexisting list of forms. You can add additional forms trough the WordPress menu (Contact > Contact Forms). The widget will refresh the list automatically.

Counter Widget

Use this widget to display statistical data.

  • Enter a number at which the counter will stop.
  • Enter the starting number.
  • Enter the text displayed below the counter.
  • Set the speed(counter time period) at which the counter ends.
  • Choose between light and dark text colors
Tons of metal
Trees saved

Divider Widget

The divider widget is used for aesthetically dividing widgets.

  • Divider color and style: Customize the color of the divider and its style.
  • Divider width: Choose the width of the divider in how much % of the column width will it span. The divider is always centered.
  • Height, top, and bottom margin: Choose the height of the divider, along with its top and bottom margin, all in pixels. Top and bottom margins set how much space will there be between the divider itself and the widgets it borders.

Document Download Widget

Creates any number of buttons that initiate document downloads (one document per button). Click here for the step by step tutorial.

Adding download buttons:

  • Document title (required): Set the title of the button that belongs to the document. The title will appear on the button.
  • Icon: Customize the icon to go along with the title (optional).
  • Upload a document: Choose the document you want to upload with the current button.

Download Button style:

You can choose from predefined colors and styles. Theme colors can be changed in theme options under color settings.

Empty Space Widget

The widget creates an empty space which can be used to visually divide widgets and sections. By default the empty space is transparent, but a background color and image can be added in Widget Styles using page builder.

Widget options:

  • Space height: Sets the height of the empty space (in pixels).
  • Screen options: Choose on which screen sizes will the empty space be visible.

Featured Pages Widget

The featured pages widget displays a selection of pages with their excerpts and featured images. The latter two must be set up on their respective page edit screens to be displayed inside the widget. If not, the widget will display the first few sentences from the page in place of the excerpt. The widget can also add a "read more" button that will lead to the page itself.

Adding featured pages:

  • Add pages: Creates an entry for a page in the selection. You can create multiple entries.
  • Select a page by title: Select the page you want to add from the list.
  • Choose a layout: You can choose between the grid layout and the carousel layout.
  • Elements per row: Sets how many pages are shown at a time in the carousel layout, and how many pages there are in a row in the grid layout.
  • Text color: Select whether the text is dark or light. This affects the entire widget.
  • Featured page information: Check the if you want the widget to display featured images, excerpts or "read more" buttons.
  • Button text: Text on the "read more" button.

If you picked the carousel layout, you can enable autoplay, which will start automatic sliding. You can also choose between different navigation styles.

Styling options:

  • Title hover color: Chose from predefined colors.
  • Background color and opacity: The color of the background of each featured page and its opacity.
  • Image overlay: How the widget displays the image before interacting with it.
  • Image overlay on hover: How image reacts while hovering over it.
  • Scale image on hover: Sets whether the image zooms in, zooms out or remains the same while hovering over it.

Features Widget

Displays animated features in a grid. You can use this widget to display featured services, contact information, and similar content.

Adding features:

  • Add feature: Adds any number of feature panels to the grid.
  • Icon: Adds an icon to the feature.
  • Title:Displays the feature title.
  • Description: Adds a short description of the feature.
  • Button text and destination URL: Adds a button to the feature that leads to a set destination.
Element style:

Each feature has its own element style. The icon color sets the feature icon color. For the background, you can set an image from the media library or upload a new one. You can customize the background color overlay and its opacity or keep it transparent. The button color can also be changed. Title hover color sets the color of the feature title while hovering over it.

Widget Style and Layout:

  • Elements per row: The number of features per row.
  • Icon size: Sets the icon sizes of all the features.
  • Height in pixels: The height of a row in the grid of features.
  • Text color: Sets the text color to dark or light for the entire widget.
  • Border:  Check whether you want to add borders between the features. Upon adding borders you can also change their color.
  • Description: Check whether you want the feature description to be always visible. By default, descriptions are always visible on mobile devices.
  • Button: Select a button style, size, and shape for the entire widget.

Gallery Widget

Add a gallery of images with optional text on hover.

Widget options:

  • Admin label: Add a label to your image. This is optional and will not show on your site.
  • Add image: Choose an image from the media library or upload a new one.
  • Hover description text: You can enter description text that will appear on hover.
  • On click: You can set the image to be opened in a lightbox.
  • Gallery options: You can also set how many elements appear in row (how many images per row) and if the images appear in grid or in a carousel. You can also set the text colour (light or dark), which will change the colour for the entire widget area.
  • Carousel options:In case carousel is set, "Enable autoplay" can be checked to let the images slide automatically. You can also set transition delay and hide the navigation arrows or change their location (on top, on side, on bottom) or you can choose to replace the arrows with dots.

Widget Style:

  • Image style: Choose between different image styles: circle, square, portrait, landscape (3:2 ratio) and 750px. These options will crop the selected image into the desired shape. If you want to retain the original image ratio, chose the last option (Original image ratio).
  • Image overlay: You can also set the hover text color, image overlay and image overlay on hover.
  • Scale image on hover: You can also set the image to scale on hover. You can choose between zoom in, zoom out or remove the option altogether.

Heading Widget

Display headings in different styles.

Widget options:

  • Text: Enter the text that appears as the heading.
  • HTML tag: HTML tag used for the heading. This will affect the font size and style.
  • Color: The color of the heading text. These are predefined and can be changed in theme options.
  • Align: Choose the alignment of the heading (left, right or center).
  • Divider: Choose between two divider styles or set to none.
  • Add bottom margin (px)

Heading example 1

Heading example 2

Heading example 3

Heading example 4

Icon Widget

Use this widget to display social media icons.

Add an icon:

Icon List Widget

Display a list with custom icons.

Widget options:

  • Add list: Adds an icon with a description to the icon list. You can add any number of list items.
  • List Item description: The description displayed beside the icon.
  • Icon: You can set a custom icon for each list item.

Style Settings:

  • Predefined text color styles: Choose between dark and light text colors.
  • Custom colors: Customize the text color, the icon color and the background color and its opacity.
  • List item size: Sets the size of the icon and its description.
  • List item padding: The amount of space between the items in the list.

  • Choose from 2843 crisp icons
  • Add any number of list items
  • Customize the style of your list

Icon With Text Widget

Adds any number of customizable icons with short descriptions. Use this widget to display contact information or featured content.

Add an icon with text:

  • Select an icon and set its title.
  • Add a description and optional link that the icon will lead you to.
  • Set the color of the icon and the icon container background.
  • Elements per row: Set the number of icons in a row.

Widget Style:

  • Choose between 3 presets: The icon can be beside the title and its description. The title can be set to appear above the icon and the description. Lastly, the icon can be above the title and the description.
  • Icon container: Set the shape of the icon container or set it to empty.
  • Text color: Set whether the text will be dark or light for the entire widget.
  • Bottom margin: Choose the height of the empty space below each row of icons.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Earth Day
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Earth Day
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Image Widget

Add an image with optional text on hover. Make sure that the image is large enough to fill the entire column the widget is placed in.

Widget Options:

  • Add image: Choose an image from the media library or upload a new one.
  • Hover description text: You can enter description text that will appear on hover.
  • Destination URL: Set the destination URL that the image will lead to. This is optional.
  • On click: You can set the image to be opened in a lightbox.


  • Image shape: Choose between different image styles: circle, square, portrait and landscape (3:2 ratio). These options will crop the selected image into the desired shape. If you want to retain the original image ratio, chose the last option (Original image ratio).
  • Image overlay: You can also set the hover text color, image overlay and image overlay on hover.


Logos Widget

Display partner logos, certificates or similar content in a grid or carousel. You can add any number of images to this widget.

Add a logo:

  • Give the logo a title (this will be only visible on the admin panel).
  • Choose a logo from the media library or upload a new one.
  • Add the destination URL to the logo.

Styling the widget:

  • Display: Choose between a grid or carousel display.
  • Elements per row: Set the number of logos per row in grid layout or how many elements will the carousel show at a time.
  • Title color: Set the widget title and navigation color as dark or light.
  • Logo size and logo size on hover: The higher the number, the bigger the logo will appear.
  • Grid Border color: The color of the border between logos. Works only with grid layout.
  • Carousel Settings: In case carousel is set, "Enable autoplay" can be checked to let the logos slide automatically. You can also set transition delay and hide the navigation arrows.

Opening Hours Widget

The widget lets you display your working hours with a highlighted current day.

Options and style:

  • Listings: Fill out the schedule according to your business hours.
  • Text color style: Choose between dark or light text color styles.
  • Text color: Customize the color of the days and hours.
  • Current day color: Change current day color.
  • Background: Set the widget background color and its opacity. This option will also generate padding around the listed days.
  • Borders: Check to display borders between the listed days.
8:00 - 16:00
8:00 - 16:00
8:00 - 16:00
8:00 - 16:00
8:00 - 16:00
8:00 - 13:00

Portfolio Widget

The Portfolio Widget allows you to display your projects in a user friendly, organised manner.

You can set your own widget settings, widget style and filter style. If you want to learn more about the portfolio feature and how to use it, follow the link to our in-depth portfolio tutorial.

Pricelist Widget

A customizable price list widget. You can add any number of services.

Widget Options:

  • Service: Name of the service:
  • Description (optional): Short description of the service with a text and/or an image.
  • Price: The price of the service.
  • Text color: Choose between dark or light text.

Color settings

Under Settings you can customize:

  • Service color.
  • Description color.
  • Price color.

Service 1


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam massa ligula, aliquet euismod eleifend vitae, interdum ut mi.

Service 2

1200 USD

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam massa ligula, aliquet euismod eleifend vitae, interdum ut mi.

Service 3

50 USD / hour

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam massa ligula, aliquet euismod eleifend vitae, interdum ut mi.

Progress bar Widget

Create animated progress bars with multiple options.

Add a new Progress Bar:

  • Progress bar title: Give the progress bar a title.
  • Enter a number between 0 and 100: The number represents how full will the progress bar be in percentages.
  • Progress bar color and style: Choose the color of the progress bar and its style.

Widget style:

  • Color of the progress bar title: Dark & light colors are availiable.
  • Progress bar percentage position: Can be displayed inside or above the progress bar.
  • Progress bar thickness: You can choose between 3 styles.
Glass 70%
Medical Waste 30%
Paper & Cardboard 47%
Metal 83%

Recent Posts Widget

Display your latest posts in a grid or carousel with multiple styling options.

Widget options:

  • Choose a category: You can filter the posts by category. The choice is optional, if no category is chosen, the widget will display all of your latest posts.
  • Choose a layout: Posts can be shown in eighter grid or carousel layout.
  • Elements per row: Sets the number of posts in a row in the grid layout and the number of posts a carousel can display at the same time.
  • Number of posts: The maximum number of posts that will be displayed.
  • Text color: Choose between dark and light text color for the entire widget.

Check if you want to display:

  • Featured images,
  • Post excerpts,
  • and "read more" buttons.

You can also customize "read more" button text. The post date can be displayed on the featured image, above the post title or you can hide it. On the carousel layout, you can enable autoplay and let the posts slide automatically. You can also set the navigation style.

Widget Style:

Under Style settings you can customize:

  • Button and hover color.
  • Button size.
  • Background color and its opacity.
  • Image overlay.
  • Image overlay on hover.
  • Scale image on hover.

Video Widget

With the Responsive Video Widget you can embed any video from Youtube or Vimeo by pasting its URL into the empty field. The widget also comes with the option of opening the video in a lightbox. You can upload a custom image and set the color of the play icon.


Responsive Video

Lightbox Version

Revolution Slider Widget

This widget requires the Revolution Slider plugin to work.

The widget lets you display a completely customisable slider with a various set of options. You can add and edit sliders in the Slider Revolution menu. It is located underneath the Settings menu. The widget will refresh the slider automatically as you work on it in the Slider Revolution area.

Simple Team Widget

Displays team members in a grid or a carousel with multiple options. Contrary to the Team Members widget, you can add staff members manually, without using the post type.

Widget Options:

  • Add Team Member: Create a team member, add an image, name, the text bellow and above the name, short description and a link, linking to the member’s personal page (this is optional). You can also add social icons for your team members, change the icon’s color and their destination url.
  • Layout: You can choose layout (grid or carousel), how many elements (team members) you wish to display per row and the text color.
  • Settings: On the carousel layout, you can set the navigation style and autoplay.

Style settings:

  • Image style: Choose the shape in which the team member image will be displayed. This will automatically crop the images into the desired shape.
  • Accent color: Choose the color above the team member name.
  • Background color: Background color and its opacity.
  • Image overlay and image overlay on hover: Set the color of image overlay and its color while hovering over it.
  • Scale image on hover: Choose whether the image zooms in, zooms out or stays the same while hovering over it.
  • Display border: Check to add borders around individual team members.

Brenda Jane Woods

President and CEO
Green Company

James Pine

Senior Vice President

Andy Bloom

Chief Operating Officer

Tabs Widget

Display tabbed content in different styles.

Adding tabbed content:

  • Enter a unique tab title.
  • Select an icon that will be displayed beside the tab title (optional).
  • The tab content area supports shortcodes and media.
  • Optionally you can also customize the tab background color. if you click the clear button, the non-active tabs will have a slight transparency.

Widget  Style:

  • Layout: Choose where will the tabs be displayed. On top of the widget (horizontal), on the left or on the right side (vertical).
  • Active Tab Text Color: You can choose between predefined theme colors.
  • Navigation Text Color: You can set dark or light navigation.
  • Border Color: Change the border color around the entire tab widget.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Team Members Widget

Displays team members in a grid or a carousel with multiple options. You can add new team members in WordPress menu under Team -> Add New.

Widget Options:

  • Choose a department: You can filter which team member will appear depending on their department.
  • Layout: Choose between grid or carousel layout.
  • Elements per row: Sets the number of team members in a row.
  • Text color :Set the text to light or dark for the entire widget.
  • Ordering: Choose the parameter by which the team members will be sorted (ascending/descending).
  • Info display: Check the checkboxes if you want to show the department, intro text and social links in the widget.
  • Carousel: On the carousel layout, you can set navigation style and autoplay .

Style settings:

  • Image style: Choose the shape in which the team member image will be displayed. This will automatically crop the images into the desired shape.
  • Hover color: Sets the color of the team member name on hover.
  • Background: Background color and its opacity.
  • Image overlay: Set the color of image overlay and its color while hovering over it.
  • Scale image on hover: Choose whether the image zooms in, zooms out or stays the same while hovering over it.
  • Display border: Check to add borders around individual team members.

Testimonials Widget

Display your client testimonials in a carousel or a grid layout. Add any number of testimonials to the widget.

Adding testimonials:

  • Enter the testimonial quote and the name of the author and organisation.
  • You can add an image to be displayed below the testimonial. This is optional.
  • Choose between a carousel and a grid layout.
  • Set how many elements will there be in a row.
  • Choose between dark and light text color style.

Style Settings:

Under Settings you can customize:

  • Background color (adds padding around individual team members).
  • Background opacity.
  • Choose text size.
  • Whether the corners of the testimonials are rounded or not.
  • To hide or show the images.
Carousel settings:

In the carousel settings, you can enable autoplay and let the posts slide automatically. You can also set the navigation style.

Outstanding quality theme and some of the best supporters you could ever come across. An absolute hit. Must have theme.
Dentalia User ThemeForest
Great theme with amazing features but also fantastic support and fast reply to all of my questions. Highly recommended
Dentalia User ThemeForest

Timeline Widget

Create a timeline to display company history or team member biography. You can add dates, titles and descriptions of events.

Adding a new timeline:

  • Add Timeline Item: Adds an event to the timeline. The order of items displayed on the timeline is the order of the items you are adding here.
  • For each timeline item, you can add a date, a title and a description.
  • Check the "highlight" checkbox if you want the date to be highlighted.

Widget style:

Select a skin for the widget to go with its background. The dark skin will change the text color of timeline item names and descriptions to black, while the light skin will make it white. The highlighted box color will also change depending on the skin used. You can customize dark and light text styles in theme options.


Event Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Highlighted Event Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Event Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Help & Support

Can't find what you are looking for?

Open a support ticket and our friendly support team will help you!

HELP We can help you set up your theme and answer any customization related questions.

BUG REPORT We want to maintain and improve our themes, so please report any strange behavior. This will allow us to reckognize and fix possible bugs.

FEATURE REQUESTS Let us know what you are missing in our themes. Send us feature requests and we will consider including them in theme updates.


The Stock images are not included with the theme, but you can get them on Depositphotos and similar websites. Here is a list of all the images we used in the Recycle Theme Demo. Just click on the links below and you’ll be redirected to the page where you can purchase the images.


Links to Recycle images: