This tutorial helps you customize the layout and style of the Footer, Prefooter and Copyright Areas.
To edit footer settings navigate to Theme Options -> Footer page at your dashboard.
The options in footer settings include: Footer Settings, Prefooter Settings and Copyright Area.
Footer Settings
1. Turning on uncovering footer:
This will make the footer appear from below the content area upon scrolling down the page.
The image below shows you an example of the footer appear from below the content area upon scrolling down the page.

2. Set the number of footer columns:
Use this option to set the number of footer columns. You can set up to 4 widget areas. You can also create custom layouts using SiteOrigin Layout Builder.
The image below shows you an example of the footer widget area with 4 columns and less.

3. Set footer text color:
Use this option to set the footer text color. Available options are:
- Auto
- Dark Text
- Light Text
If you choose Dark Text, the widgets in the footer will have dark text. The Light Text option will give all the footer widgets white text color. You can customize the text color styles under the Typography section.
Image below shows you an example of the different choice of the footer text color.
Light Text Dark Text
4. Change the footer background:
You can set the background color and/or upload a background image. By default the footer background is defined by the tertiary theme color.
1. Use this option to set the background color.
2. 3. 4. Here you can edit the background image position and behaviour.
5. Upload - Use this option to upload a background image for the Footer of your website.
Remove - Use this option to remove a background image from the Footer of your website.
6. Preview settings
5. Adjust footer padding:
The padding is set in pixels and defines how much space will be above and below the bordering site elements.
The image below shows you the different spaces above and below of the footer.

How to Add Widgets to Your Footer
To add widgets to your Footer navigate to Appearance → Widgets page at your dashboard.
On the left side, locate a widget that you want to add.
Click on the widget and select one of the options: Footer, Prefooter, Copyright Footer or something else and then click the Add Widget button.
Configure the widget's settings once it is added to the Footer widget area.
When you are finished configuring the widget, click the blue Save button at the bottom.
The widgets will be added to your site as you configure them from your dashboard.